Spa and Beauty Salon Petersfield

Spa and Beauty Salon Petersfield


spa & boutique


spa & boutique petersfield

Spa and Beauty Salon Petersfield

Spa and Beauty Salon Petersfield

Mai’s Spa & Boutique is a family-owned beauty spa and wellbeing centre, based in Lavant Street, Petersfield, run by Vietnamese sisters Trinh and Phuong.

A place where we still keep our traditional values by using fresh, daily cooked herbal and old methods for beauty treatments.

A place where you will always be greeted with a big smile and a warm, welcoming, hello!


Find out more about our treatments & prices.

Spa and Beauty Salon Petersfield

Mai's Spa

Many people come to our spa boutique, not only for our unusual cooked herbal shampoo treatment, but also to enjoy the atmosphere and to become more acquainted with Vietnamese culture, to read a book, sip a cup of tea or simply just close your eyes and rest for a moment, in a truly relaxing environment. So, let’s share and enjoy a cup of daisy and sweet-grass tea together…

We look forward to welcoming you!

Trinh & Phuong

Inspired from our cherished childhood memory, this is a story of an old hair wash method…

When I was young, my favourite summer holiday was visiting my mom’s hometowns on the Mekong delta. In the shade of coconut trees, there is a beautiful view of lush orchards, floating market and endless rice fields.

But my sweetest memory is the fragrance smell of natural freshly cooked shampoo.

The aromatic leaves, the grapefruit peels and the lemongrass.

They were all put together in a clay pot with water and boiled. Simple and natural ingredients which benefit blood circulation and stimulate hair growth making it healthy and shiny.

Many years later in my busy life, where I can easily pick up any type of shampoo in the shop, I often remember the time when we all sat around the cooking pot of herbal hair wash, waiting for it to boil, having a chat and sharing a laugh.

All those happy childhood memories and a dream of no harsh chemical shampoo inspired me to open my first back to natural spa. Just like my memories of the traditional creation of the shampoo, our herbal hair wash in Mai’s Boutique will be freshly prepared and cooked daily.

Mai’s is not only a place for old fashioned treatment but also a place where you can relax, have a laugh and enjoy pampering.

Come and experience the traditional Vietnamese “Herbal” hair wash, hot stone facial, scalp, neck and shoulder massage. All in one luxurious treatment.

Visit and create your own memory with us at 33 Lavant Street, Petersfield where a cup of wild daisy and sweet grass tea is waiting for you.

handmade boutique

Browse our boutique of handmade items and visit our store for more information.

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